Friday, July 22, 2011

Another Day in the Life

Struggle and Faith have been common in many discussions recently. From sermons, to prayer requests, to just daily conversations, I have been hearing a lot about these two words. It seems as though many are in a time of struggle in one form or another. Most seem to be financial but there are many who seem to struggle with more and trying to find the faith to make it through. If I am talking about any of you reading out there, please know that you are definitely not alone in your time of struggle. We are right there with you. It always makes struggling easier when you know your not on your own.

I heard a sermon  yesterday which was repeated last night in our Bible study. We often think when struggle comes that God has left us. No, not left, that He has abandoned us. Left means he stepped outside while abandoned means He purposefully ran away from us. I'm sure this idea is an American cultural idea probably linked somewhat to the idea of the prosperity gospel that says if God is with us then He will prosper us financially and keep us comfortable. Wrong. When we look in the Bible, some of the people who struggled the most were closest to God, and God used the struggle to bring glory to Himself and to lead people to know Him. How awesome and yet backwards to us humans. We glorify big names and powerful people, but Jesus, who was God, came to earth in the form of a servant, the lowest of the low, and ask that we do the same. He ask that we get in with people and struggle with them and struggle with the sin inside ourselves, and seek to be like Jesus, but understand that He was perfect and we are not. Life in some sense is struggle.

But then there is a whole different side where Jesus promises life and life abundantly. So life is struggle, and we all know this. But life is faith- the substance of things hoped for and unseen. Jesus, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross. We endure suffering for the faith that God is going to do something great in and through it. How wonderful our God is to use our sufferings to bring about His glory. To use us as part of His plan.

I know its not always easy to see suffering and struggle in an encouraging light. I am feeling encouraged today in our struggling, so I am sharing with you. I hope you were encouraged to.


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